André S. Godet, M.D.

André S. Godet, M.D.
Andre’ S. Godet, M.D.


Dr. Godet achieved his Bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Morehouse University before attending Washington University in St. Louis. There he received both his Medical Doctor degree and a Master’s degree in Pharmacology.

Dr. Godet completed his internship and residency (1994) in urology at the University of Iowa (Go Hawks!) Hospitals and Clinics.


Immediately following residency, Dr. Godet performed in a solo practice clinic in Lufkin, TX where he cared for all age groups, including pediatrics. In 1997, he began his first stint in Alaska at Alaska Native Medical Center.  Soon following his time there, he joined a group practice in Seattle, WA. A few years in the big city led him to evaluate his location and in 2000 he returned to his forever home of Anchorage, AK. When he joined the practice, there were only two other partners!

Dr. Godet’s practice offers diagnosis and treatment of the various medical and surgical disorders of the urinary and male reproductive tract conditions. In these cases, he acts as a consultant and keeps in close contact with your referring physician.

His goal is to return patients back to their primary physician for further health care. Dr. Godet also sees patients who self-refer. When this occurs, Dr. Godet will follow the patient through the diagnostic and treatment phase, then recommend a primary care physician for more general health needs.

Dr. Godet’s approach is to work with you, not “for you” or “on you” and take as much time with you as needed. You can expect a frank and thorough discussion regarding your diagnosis and treatment options. After all, you’re one half of the doctor-patient partnership.

Committed to treating each patient as an individual, Dr. Godet works with you to tailor your best course of treatment. In addition, Dr. Godet’s office functions as an educational resource to the community by providing written, video, and audio information. He believes patients should have the opportunity to learn all they can about their treatment.

The forms of treatment for urinary problems are as varied as the causes. The key to success is to look at each individual and evaluate his or her unique situation. In some cases, office procedures such as cystoscopy or urodynamics can be helpful in evaluating problems. Sometimes problems are successfully addressed with behavioral or dietary changes. Other situations may require medication and/or surgery.

There is a growing movement in surgery to be minimally invasive; to make smaller holes, not big incisions. Dr. Godet agrees with this philosophy and has devoted a significant portion of his training and recertification to this aspect of surgical practice.

A urologist treats medical and surgical disorders of the urinary tract, prostate, and male reproductive tract. Urology, as much as (or perhaps even more than) any other discipline, consists of disease processes that produce signs and symptoms that, if accurately and properly elicited, will go far toward helping the knowledgeable physician make an accurate diagnosis. A urologic physical exam is performed. After this, diagnostic studies such as urine and blood tests or x-rays, can be utilized in the most economical manner possible to establish a diagnosis.

Dr. Godet’s practice offers diagnosis and treatment of the following conditions:

  • Prostate diseases
  • Kidney stones
  • Erectile/sexual dysfunction
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Urinary tract infections/disorders
  • Male infertility/desired sterility
  • Cancer of the urinary/male reproductive tract


Dr. Godet was raised in Nassau, Bahamas, although Alaska is where Dr. Godet now calls home with his three beautiful children. His hobbies outside of family and the rigors of medicine include the pursuit of hitting the green and being an avid wine enthusiast.