
We have programs and services in your community to help people with cancer and their families. Our programs offer information, day-to-day help, and emotional support.

To learn more about these programs, contact Casey Anderson at 907.212.5605 or

Day-to-Day Help

Patient Navigation

Based in Anchorage, a local American Cancer Society patient navigator is available to help you.

  • Find transportation to and from cancer-related appointments.
  • Provide assistance with financial and insurance issues.
  • Identify community resources.
  • Provide information on your cancer diagnosis and treatment process.

Casey Anderson is our local Patient Navigator. He can be reached at 907-212-5605 or He will also be available on the Alaska Regional Hospital Campus the 2nd Monday of every month and by appointment.

Gift Closet

There are several items within the American Cancer Society gift closets available to patients to assist with the appearance-related side effects of treatments including new wigs, hats, turbans, scarves, and temporary breast prostheses (puffs) and post-mastectomy bras (measuring/fitting not required).

If you don’t find exactly what you are looking for at your on-site gift closet, please reach out to our patient navigator, Casey Anderson, at 907-212-5605 so we can help you find exactly what you’re looking for. Many more items are also available for purchase through our “tlc” Tender Loving Care® catalog at

Patient Lodging

Hotel Partners Program

The American Cancer Society partners with local hotels across the country to provide rooms for cancer patients and their caregivers traveling for treatment. The American Cancer Society Hotel Partners Program can help ease some of the financial burdens that cancer patients and their families face.

Your local American Cancer Society has
partnered with hotels in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Kenai, and Juneau to provide lodging to patients who are traveling to receive treatment. Rooms are complimentary if and when available.

For more information about our lodging program, please call our patient navigator, Casey Anderson, at 907-212-5605. Patients must have a credit/debit card at check-in upon arrival at the hotel. Advance notice of approximately 5 business days is needed prior to booking.

Transportation to Treatment

Road To Recovery®

For many cancer patients, getting to and from treatment is one of their toughest challenges. If finding a ride is a concern for you, we may be able to help.

The American Cancer Society Road To Recovery program provides transportation to and from treatments for cancer patients who don’t have a ride or are unable to drive themselves. Volunteer drivers donate their time and the use of their personal vehicles so patients can get to the treatments they need.

To make a transportation request, please call our patient navigator, Casey Anderson, at 907-212-5605. Transportation requests must be made at least four (4) business days in advance of the first day of transportation, and patients must be able to sit, stand, and walk without assistance, or an adult caregiver must accompany them.

Ravn Flights

This partnership program provides up to three (3) round-trip flights per year for patients in active treatment. Flights are available at no cost to patients to and from locations with Ravn Alaska Service.

Please call your American Cancer Society patient navigator, Casey Anderson at 907-212-5605 at least eight (8) business days prior to the flight for more information. Certain qualifications apply.

PenAir Flights

This partnership program provides up to two (2) round-trip flights per year for patients in active treatment. Flights are available at no cost to patients to and from locations with PenAir Service. Flights for one (1) caregiver are offered at a reduced rate (50 percent off).

Please call your American Cancer Society patient navigator at 907-212-5605 at least eight (8) business days prior to the flight for more information. Certain qualifications apply.

Treatment Out-of-State

Please contact our patient navigator, Casey Anderson, at 907-212-5605 to find out what other programs are available to you when traveling out of state for treatment.

Emotional Support

Reach To Recovery®

The American Cancer Society Reach To Recovery program matches trained volunteer breast cancer survivors to people facing or living with breast cancer. Our volunteers give cancer patients and their family members the opportunity to ask questions, talk about their fears and concerns, and express their feelings.

To learn more about this program, please call our patient navigator, Casey Anderson, at 907-212-5605.

Cancer Survivors Network℠

An online community designed to provide a private and secure way for cancer survivors and caregivers to connect with others who share their interests and experiences and provide peer support. Visit to access the network.


Look Good Feel Better®

During Look Good Feel Better group workshops, volunteer beauty professionals teach simple techniques to women in active treatment to help them cope with skin and nail changes and hair loss. Workshop participants receive a free cosmetic kit and style tips. Classes are offered at least once a month in one of the Anchorage area hospitals. Please call our patient navigator, Casey Anderson at 907-212-5605 to register for a class. Visit for more information.
Last class at Alaska Regional Hospital is November 9th, 2018.

“It’s a Wrap” Scarf Tying Class

Learn how to create head coverings from scarves. All participants will take home a beautiful new scarf. This class is offered monthly in Anchorage and taught by an American Cancer Society patient navigator and volunteers.

Please call our Patient Navigator, Casey Anderson, at 907-212-5605 to register for an upcoming class.

“I Can Cope® Culinary Arts” Cooking Class

Learn how to cook nutritious snacks and meals that are quick and easy to make while undergoing cancer treatment. Participants are given samples of the food to try and a recipe packet to take home.

The class is led monthly by an oncology dietician. Call our Patient Navigator, Casey Anderson at 907-212-5605 to register for an upcoming class.